Білім беру бағдарламасының коды мен атауы / Код и наименование образовательной программы / The code and name of education program

6D050400 – «Журналистика» /

6D050400 – «Журналистика» /

6D050400 - «Journalism»/

ББ мақсаты / Цель ОП / Objective of EP

«6D050400-Журналистика» мамандығы бойынша PhD бағдарламасының негізгі мақсаты білім беру процесін жоғары сапалы ғылыми-педагогикалық мамандарды халықаралық принциптеріне сай дайындау.

Основной целью программы PhD по специальности «6D050400-Журналистика» является реализация образовательного процесса в соответствии с принципами международной практики подготовки научно-педагогических кадров высшей квалификации, обладающих фундаментальной профессиональной подготовкой в избранной отрасли научного знания.

The main objective of the program PhD in the specialty «6D050400-Journalism» is the realization of the educational process in accordance with the principles of international practice of training scientific-pedagogical personnel, have fundamental training in the chosen branch of science.

For more information please clik EDUCATION PROGRAM


PhD programs

The objects of professional activity of the graduate are: A graduate with a degree in 6D050200- «Political Science» can carry out professional activities in the following areas:

×        political analyst, researcher, teacher ,expert - knowledge management specialist, necessary for political decision-making, able to analyze the social and to conduct research and teaching work;

×        political leader- graduate receives the necessary knowledge to practical political activities as a novice leaders, NGO activists and political parties;

×        expert on foreign policy and international relations - as a result of training graduates with the knowledge and skills required in international organizations - both intergovernmental and non-governmental;

×        adviser, political adviser - analyst may work as an assistant decision-makers (MPs, the heads of executive authorities);

×        image maker, a public relations specialist - analyst acquires the ability to work with diverse audiences, to organize professional communication on the basis of market research and strategies, both in politics and in other areas of public life;

×        conflictologist - political scientists, graduates, combining basic humanitarian training with professional skills of policy analysis, knowledge of the dynamics of public opinion, have undoubted competitive advantages mediatorskogo on the labor market;

×        political consultant - within the framework of the election campaign are in demand virtually all political analyst skills - leadership, expert-analytical, communication, organizational.

For more information please clik THE PASSPORT OF EDUCATION PROGRAM