Material and technical resources

Basic Practices is a group of educational programs of the Department of Television and Radio and communication with the public during the internship

Material and technical base, educational television studios, auditoriums of the Department of Television and Radio and Public Relations

(To watch the video, click on the highlighted blue text)

For the chair of television and radio and public relations, there are 3 classrooms equipped with built-in projectors and screens: 112 (S.Orazaly conference room), 323 (PR-laboratory), 310 (Khabar studio);  There are 2 projectors and a laptop.  All studios and audiences have access to Wi-Fi.

112 audiences (S.Orazaly conference room) are equipped with SmartTV, connected to the Internet and used to display video films and presentations and much more, eliminating the need for a regular TV.  The advantage of this system is based on entertainment media on the Internet.  Digital terrestrial television Smart TV - is the integration of the Internet and digital technologies in modern models of TVs.

The student television studio of the main building is not inferior in its technical equipment to the television studios of regional TV channels.  Studio classes are held in two educational television studios and radio studios.  The newest equipment meeting the modern requirements of the television studio allows you to organize the learning process in a new way, giving students excellent opportunities to improve their professional skills.  There is a professional four-camera television studio in digital format, excellent lighting, modern video cameras, microphones, buttonholes, chroma key technology, a editing table, a director's console, and sound equipment.

The creative team works on films, forms a video archive, participates in the educational process: creates educational films for distance learning.  Students of the journalistic profession, in practice, learn the basics of television journalism, independently prepare issues of university news.  Ready-made stories and radio programs of students are uploaded to the youtube studio ENU Life channel.  Today youtube loaded more than 100 stories, viewed more than 100 thousand times.

The training studio also hosts master classes, meetings with renowned practicing journalists of republican TV channels.

In a virtual TV studio with green chromacy in the 115 audience has a professional remote, sound insulation, monitors, decent lighting equipment, specially ordered green background (chroma key), with which you can “remove” the background and “embed” the image or video through the video editor, thus making the studio more colorful and using the same room for different TV shows 

Freelance teachers of the department conduct studio classes at the Kazmedia center, where students see and participate in the television process.