The faculty of journalism and political science was established by the decision of the Academic Council and rector's order of 5 may 2010. Its membership includes the Department of Printing and publishing, Radio and television and public relations, Political Science. The first Dean was the honored worker of Kazakhstan, doctor of Philology, professor N.Omashev. Since 2011 the faculty is headed by candidate of philology science, professor ENU. L. N. Gumilev, academician of the International Eurasian Academy of television and radio K.O.Sak.
The composition of faculty members included a member-correspondent of NAS RK, academician of national Academy of Sciences of higher school RK, 4 academicians of Academy of journalism of Kazakhstan, 12 doctors of Sciences, 24 candidates of Sciences, 5 PhD, 8 winners of the grant MES "the Best teacher of the University", honored worker of RK, 5 figures of culture of Kazakhstan, 2 honored worker of education.
The history of the faculty dates back to the time when the specialty "journalism" was opened at the philological faculty of the University in 1994. The Department of Kazakh literature, where the head was D. Kamzabekuly, consolidated students of the Kazakh branch, at the Department of Russian and foreign literature, which was headed by T. G. Katantseva – students of the Russian office.
May 25, 1998 by order of the rector of L. N. Gumilev ENU., doctor of Philology, Professor A. K. Kusainova was opened the Department of "Journalism." Head of the Department was appointed R. A. Nurtazina, at that time associate Professor, In subsequent years the Department was headed by well-known experts, scholars: Professor A. S. Seidimbek, Professor A. J. Sharip, Associate Professor Esdauletov A. O., Professor Negimov S.N., Associate Professor R. S. Nuridin, Associate Professor, candidate of pedagogical Sciences Sak K.O.
The first teaching staff of the Department includes: candidates of philological Sciences: R. A. Nurtazin, A. K. Ishanova, G. J. Bulatova, S. K. Kisimov, M. B. Sindileeva, M. B. Amalbekova, J. B. Zhamishev, the senior teachers: A. Tasymbekov, I. K. Kurmangaliyev, assistant G. Alijanova.
Graduates of the department reached career heights, and showed their professionalism in various fields of the information field: R. Kazhibaeva - head of the press service of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan, G. Topoleva - producer of the Khabar agency, S. Tumakova - correspondent of the newspaper ‘Argumenty i Fakty’, A.Tokaeva - radio "Svoboda" in Prague, A. Shakirova headed the press service of the presidential administration, D. Melnikov - editor of the journal "Science and Education", A. Mukanova - editor of news department of "Kazakhstan's Pravda", M.Shimansky - editor of international department "Kazakhstan's Truth", A. Zhaksylykova, E. Minkevich - TRK "Kazakhstan", O. Zhurkevich, G. Mukusheva - "Astana" TV channel, N. Musina - "Eurasia" TV channel, G. Kasymova - editorial office of the Kazakh radio "Astana" , V. Vasilchenko - "Interfax-Kazakhstan", S. Moiseyev, G. Togzhan - "Astana" TV channel, A. Baigaliyev - the press service of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Graduates of G. Sekerbaev, A. Tatieva, D. Bisembina, A. Serikpaev received master's degree in journalism abroad.
In 2009, by the decision of the Academic Council of the L.N. Gumilyov ENU department of "Journalism" was reorganized and on its base the departments of "Printing and Publishing" and "Teleradio and Public Relations" were established. Head of the Department "Printing and Publishing" was professor ENU Kairat Sak, and the department of "Teleradio and public relations" was headed by a well-known TV journalist, publicist, public figure G. M. Shalakhmetov.
Currently, the head of the department of "Printing and Publishing" is Ph.D., Amangeldy Shurentayev. The future publishers and journalists are taught by more than 10 professors, 5 doctors of science, academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Higher School of Kazakhstan, 2 academicians of the Academy of Journalism of Kazakhstan, corresponding member of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Kazakhstan, 9 candidates of science, 5 master's degrees in journalism.
The professors and teachers of the department include D.Sc., professors: S.E. Tapanova, A.K. Ishanova, M.B. Shyndaliyeva, Ph.D., Professor of ENU. L.N. Gumilev Sak k.O., Ph.D., associate professors: А.О. Esdauletov, G.Zh. Bolatova, M.B. Toktagazin, G.M. Akseyit, masters: A. Tashmakov G. Kovtun, U. Abdrakhmanov, R. Shakuova, B. Orynbetova, specialists: A. Mataeva, F. Bizhanov.
Master classes for students are conducted by practicing journalists: President of JSC "Egemen Kazakhstan", Doctor of Philosophy, Professor S.A. M. Abdrakhmanov, president of the media holding "Tugel" S.Tugel, editor-in-chief of the newspaper "Astanaakshamy" E.Kamen, head of the press service of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan M.K. Sagymbayeva; Ensepova, editor-in-chief of the newspaper "Sakshi" B. Adilzhanov.
Scientific research is conducted in four directions: theory and practice of periodical press, introduction to journalism, the history of Kazakh journalism, bibliology. The department prepared and published scientific publications: the 10-volume "Alash kosemsyuzi". Teachers of the department spoke at international conferences abroad. At the department together with the Alliance of Youth and the newspaper "Alliance KZ" with the involvement of experienced journalists of national newspapers and teachers, the "Young Correspondents Club" is working.
In 2009, the Department of Teleradio and Public Relations was opened. The first head of the department is G.M. Shalakhmetov is widely known as a journalist, writer, publicist, public figure, at various times he was the head of the press service of the President of the RK, president of the interstate TV and radio company Mir, a freelance adviser to the Prime Minister of Kazakhstan, president of KazInform, a deputy of the Majilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Currently, the head of the Department is Ph.D., Associate Professor Serikzat Duisengazy. Teaching staff of the department: Doctor of Philosophy, Professor B.Zh. Omarov, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor S.Sh. Takhan, Doctor of Philology, Professor A.Zh. Sharip, Ph.D., Associate Professor U.M. Esenbek, Ph.D., Associate Professor R.Sh. Nuriden, Sh.N. Kazygulov, R.K. Amanzholova, Ph.D., associate professor M. K. Zhakyp, Ph.D., associate professor M.Kasen, S.V. Ashenova, Ph.D., Associate Professor K. Auesbay, senior lecturers: K.K. Zhumagulov, K. Koshanova, A. Zhaksylyk, Y. Ozhayuly, Т.М. Tampaeva, G.A. Karakozova, B.Toktarbay, M. Sumarova, D.A. Bisembina, S.T. Eszhanov, B.S. Nurmanov, A.Murat, laboratory assistants A.Erbol, R.Zh. Kozhageldiyeva, D. Shegebaeva.
The research work of the department is conducted in three directions: theory and practice of TV journalism; theory and practice of radio journalism; theory and practice of public relations.
Teachers of the department are members of the Union of Journalists of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Union of Writers of the Republic of Kazakhstan, corresponding members of international academies, holders of grant holders of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Best University Teacher". The students of the department take part in republican and international conferences, photo exhibitions, and are published in various media. Since 2011 the PR-club "PR-professional" functions.
Specialty "Political Science" was opened at the Department of "History" in 1995. The Department of Political Science was founded in 1999.
The first head of the department was Doctor of History, Professor M.Zh. Abdirov, and then at different times the chair was led by Ph.D., Associate Professor S.K. Urazbayeva, Ph.D., Professor R.A. Nurtazina. At the present time the department is headed by Bagysh Gabdullina.
In the first staff of the department worked: R.K. Baimbetova, M. Mashan, S.A. Dyachenko, S.T. Seidumanov, K.K. Kenzhebaeva, A.T. Zabirova, M.Yu. Onuchko, S.B. Kozhirova, J.M. Medeubaeva, R.S. Elmurzaeva, E.L. Nechaevа.
Teaching staff of the department for today: d.polit.n., Professor RA. Nurtazin, D.Polit.N., Candidate of Political Science, Associate Professor L. Nechaeva, Ph.D., Associate Professor G.B. Askeeva, Candidate of Political Science, Associate Professor M.Yu. Onuchko, doctor of political sciences, associate professor G.U. Imakova, Candidate of Political Science, Associate Professor M.K. Tulebaeva, Ph.D., Associate Professor M.T. Ilipov, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor B.A. Gabdullina, candidate of political sciences, associate professor M.K. Dyussembekov, Cand. Mr., Associate Professor K.D. Zhanpeisova, Ph.D., Associate Professor K.K. Kenzhebaeva, PhD D.E. Kopezhanova, Masters of LK Bekeeva, D. Kaliollaula, B.S. Abdildina, A.T. Zhansautova, EF Sergazin, EE Ibrayev, laboratory assistant K.Sh. Yeleshova.
The implementation of the doctoral program on the specialty is conducted jointly with the leading foreign universities of the USA, Canada, Bulgaria, Poland, France. In English, the classes are conducted by M. Mukash (London School of Diplomacy, Great Britain), B.Daukeev (State University Wright, Dayton, USA).
The scientific advisers of the department are foreign professors: Gregory Gliesen (University of New Mexico, USA), Tatyana Dronzina (Sofia University, Bulgaria), Uyamaomohiko (University of Hokkaido, Japan), Edward Zirson (A. Mickiewicz University, Poland), David Mold (Ohio University, USA), Sebastian Peirouse (Johns Hopkins University, USA), Peter Shtykov (University of Munich, Germany), Ruben Azizyan (University of Honolulu, USA), Andrzej Verjbicki (University of Warsaw, Poland).
Associate professors of the department were trained under the international program "Bolashak" in Xi'an University of China, Indiana University in the USA, in England.
Scientific-research work of the department is conducted in the following directions: actual problems of political science; consolidation of a multi-ethnic Kazakhstan society as the basis of a nationwide idea; ethnopolitical processes in the country in the context of national security; systemic transformation of the states of Central Asia; socio-political processes in Kazakhstan in the context of globalization.
The students of the department actively participate in the social and scientific life of the university, hold meetings and round tables with leading political scientists of the Republic of Kazakhstan, representatives of state and local government, deputies of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan.