Білім беру бағдарламасының коды мен атауы/Код и наименование образовательной программы / The code and name of education program
6М050400 – «Журналистика»
6М050400 – «Журналистика»
6М050400 – «Journalism»
ББ мақсаты/ЦельОП / Objective of EP
Масс-медиа саласындағы конвергенция мен маңызды инновациялық тәжірибелер үдерісі кезінде медиа сала (мазмұндық және технологиялық) дамуының әлемдік негізгі тенденцияларына ілесетін, арнайы кәсіптік құзіреттіліктерді меңгерген магистрантарды дайындау.
Подготовка магистранта, обладающего профильно-специализированными компетенциями, обеспечивающими его востребованность на рынке труда, ориентирующегося в основных мировых тенденциях развития медиаотрасли (содержательных и технологических), в процессе конвергенции и важнейших инновационных практик в сфере масс-медиа.
Preparation of the undergraduate who possesses profile-specialized competencies that ensure his demand on the labor market, oriented in the main world trends of the media industry development (content and technology), in the process of convergence and the most important innovative practices in the mass media field.
For more information please clik EDUCATION PROGRAM
The sphere of professional activity of the graduate is: expert-analytical sphere, public service, education system and research sphere.
Objects of professional activity of the graduate are: bodies of state power and management of the regional, city, regional and republican levels;
in positions: an expert on foreign and domestic policy, employee of public authorities and administration, the apparatus of political parties and public organizations, who develops and makes decisions within the limits of their competence; analyst, strategy developer, researcher, executive and head of socio-political projects, political commentator, political consultant; teacher of secondary, secondary and higher educational institutions.
Master of Science in Social Sciences of 6M050200-Political Science master’s degree program can hold the following positions: - Researcher; expert; analyst; civil servant; a speechwriter; teacher of social and political disciplines.
Masters of 6M050200-Political Science master’s degree program can perform the following types of professional activities:
- research (research organizations, centers);
- organizational and managerial;
- Expert and consulting;
- educational (pedagogical
For more information please clik THE PASSPORT OF EDUCATION PROGRAM