Өндірістік практика бойынша қорытынды есеп беру конференциясы

The Faculty of Journalism and Political Science of the Eurasian National University held an online meeting to defend the practice among third-year students on June 10, 2021. 

The online event was attended by two groups of this faculty, namely-Public Relations-31 and Digital Media Management-31. The students were asked to justify their choice of a place for practical training, to tell about the new skills and the process of practical training, as well as to sum up the results. All this had to be provided in the format of a presentation.

The students of both groups came in full readiness. The spread across destinations this year was strong. If one of the future journalists decided to try his hand at regional television, someone chose the press service of famous domestic companies, and someone even preferred sports journalism.

So, for example, Gulzhan Ualieva, a student of the CMM-31 group, decided to try herself in the famous BI GROUP company. The student said that she learned not only to make official business documents, but also improved her skills in communication with people and increased stress tolerance.

It should be noted that this is an excellent result. After all, the purpose of the annual practice is not only to teach the student the basic skills of the specialty, but also to adapt him to the professional environment.

The meeting lasted about two hours, and the students were able to present their presentations correctly and talk about their skills. Also, a number of students who had an industrial practice on television, prepared videos with cuts from live broadcasts, where they acted as a news anchor.

It is worth noting that due to the rapidly changing trends in the conduct of mass media in our time, many organizations have begun to pay attention to working on the Internet, namely, in social networks. Almost every student mentioned that they interacted with social networks in the company and learned how to promote/design / maintain online pages.

One of these students is Aidana Badigulova. She has already mastered the target during the practice period and now knows the basics of the social network Instagram.

"I tried to remember everything quickly. Now every organization has at least one social network, and being able to run them is a great skill. Especially for a modern journalist. I will continue to use the knowledge I have gained in the future, " Aidana said.

The main good news of this event was that many students reported that they remain working at their places of internship. This is an invaluable experience for any student, as well as a future graduate.

We should add that the meeting was held with the representatives of the commission-the teaching staff and the curators of the practice and groups.