On April 12, the XIV International Scientific Conference of Students and Young Scientists "ǴYLYM JÁNE BILIM - 2019" was held at the Eurasian National University. The conference was attended by 28 students, including 4 doctoral students, 4 students, 2 young teachers and other graduate students. The members of the commission: Professor, Dr. Esdauletov A.O., Professor, Dr. Ishanova A. K., Professor, Dr. Shindalieva M.B.

The section was attended by students of Kazakhstani universities, Master's Degree students, Doctoral students of our university. In the section of journalism and publications reports of students, young scientists were compiled in two languages.

Noting the importance of the report made by students and young scientists at the XIV International Scientific Conference "ǴYLYM JÁNE BILIM - 2019", the following students were declared winners:

Diploma of I degree, specialty "Journalism", Azilkhanova Dana Maratovna - Theme: "Typology of new media terms". (Supervisor: Doctor of Philology, Professor Ishanova A.K.).

Diploma of the II degree, specialty "Journalism", Sultumbayeva Marzhan Erganatkyzy, 4th year student of the Eurasian National University - Subject:  БАҚ-тағы жарнама әсерінің психологиялық қырлары (Supervisor: professor Dr.Shindalieva M.B.).

Diploma of the III degree, specialty "Journalism", Aygelova Altynai Maratovna, Master's Degree student of the Eurasian National University - Theme: "Fashionable journalism in new media" (Supervisor: professor Dr. Ishanova A.K.), Kabysheva Zarina Bolatovna - Theme: “Factchecking and verification of information as methods of struggle against“ fake news ”in the domestic mass media” (Supervisor: Professor Dr.Esdauletov A.O.).

For active participation in the section "Journalism and publishing" a student of 2nd course Sagadinova was awarded a letter of thanks for his report on the topic "Қазақ спорт журналистерінің тіл шеберлігі (С.Бердіқұлов шығармалары негізінде)" (supervisor: Professor Dr.Tapanova S.E.).