«Журналистика және ақпарат» дайындау бағыты бойынша Кеңес өтті


On December 21, 2018 at the L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University was held a meeting of the teaching and methodical association (TMA) of the Republican educational and methodical council (REMC).

The agenda addressed the issue of approving the work plan, structure and composition of the TMA REMC for the 2018-2019 academic year in the direction of “Journalism and Information”.

In addition, new tasks and activities of higher and postgraduate TMA REMC have been identified. The event was attended by the Director of the Department of Academic Affairs of the University B.Palymbetov, the Dean of the Faculty of Journalism and Political Science K.Sak, professors and lecturers from leading higher educational institutions of the republic related to this industry, specialists from relevant institutions, etc.

The dean of the faculty of journalism and political science K. Sak, the heads of the departments A.Esdauletov, I.Ristina, professor U.Esenbekova made a presentation.


During the meeting, the Regulation “On Teaching and Methodological Association” will be discussed and approved by the section members.