Presentation of certificates to foreign students

In this semester, two students from the United States and Turkey study at the Department of Political Science in the multilingual group of the 2nd course of the mobility program. In addition, expressing interest in the disciplines taught at the department, a student from Singapore also expressed her desire to attend lectures at our department.

All semester, foreign students attended classes conducted in English, including a teacher of the Department of Political Science, Tyulebekova D. B. The interactivity and informativeness of the classes, as well as the goodwill and openness of our Kazakhstan students, left the best memories of the children who came to Kazakhstan to study at the Eurasian National University.

Certificates for excellent study and active participation in the life of the University, as well as Kazakhstani souvenirs, were awarded to Jared Thomas (USA), Nazan (Turkey) and Alexia (Singapore), head of the department Nechayeva E.L.

We hope that the knowledge, experience and impressions gained from training in our department will become the key to educational cooperation between universities and attract an even greater flow of students.