Admissions Committee

Tel: 8 (7172) 709450, 8 (7172) 709500 (вн.: 33-001, 33-002, 33-003, 33-004)


Executive secretary of the selection committee – Ahmetova Sholpan

Beginning of the selection committee work:  from June 1

Address of the selection committee: 104 office, 13, str. Kazhymukan, education building № 2 of the ENU


Dean of the Faculty of Journalism and Political Science - Sak Kairat Omirbayevich: 8 (7172) 709504 (intern.: 35200, 35206)

Dean's office: 8 (7172) 709504 (intern.: 35209)

Head of the Department of Printing and Publishing - Ashirbekova Gulmira Shaitmaganbetovna: 87787887475, 8 (7172) 709504 (intern.: 35301, 35306)

Head of the Department of Teleradio and Public Relations - Duysengazy Serikzat Maksutovich: 87017398106, 8 (7172) 709504 (intern.: 35116, 35110)

Head of the Department of Political Science - Gabdullina Bagysh Akhmetovna: 87051206609, 8 (7172) 709504 (intern.: 35203, 35213)