On the subject of development and production of radio programs,

There was an open lesson on "Radio visual aids: music and noise."


15: 00-16: 00

345 audience. The main building. Online / offline


L.N. LNGumilyov Eurasian National University, Faculty of Journalism and Political Science

Gulnur Omarkhanovna, a senior lecturer at the Department of Television and Radio and Public Relations, conducted an open lesson on "Radio Broadcasting: Music and Noise." The open lesson was attended by 2nd year students of the group Publishing - 21, teaching professors.

The main purpose of the lesson - the visual aids of radio programs: to reveal the essence of music and noise, to learn how to use them effectively in radio programs. Formation of students' taste in music recognition.


1. The role of music and noise in the structure of radio broadcasting.

2. Music and noise are also able to fulfill the logical and emotional requirements of the spoken word.

3. In the structure of radio broadcasting, music and noise take place as a separate element of the composition and are used in words and on an equal footing.

 During the open lesson, in order to review the previous lessons, the game "Hidden Cells" was organized by cubes, and a number of questions related to previous topics were asked. Teacher Gulnur Omarkhanovna gave a lecture in order to reveal the content of a new topic, offering interesting tasks.

Dialogue with students and demonstrated the process of sound processing through video recording of sound director Kaisar Erdesh, who has been working on the radio for several years. The content of the topic was explained in detail, using specially prepared slides, videos, audio recordings. During the lesson, students Anuarbek Bota and Kaidar Sayazhan read texts in front of a microphone and edited in the audition program. He collected the message in an artistic way, using music and noise.

As a result of interesting organized practical work, he was able to supplement his knowledge and find answers to current questions. During the lesson, a false poem was recited using the rules of stage language. A tape version of the program "World Literature" was heard from the Golden Fund. A kahoot game was organized by working on a new topic, and the winner was the one who scored the highest score. The lecturer summed up the lesson and assessed the activity and knowledge of students.

Kulnash Koshanova, a senior lecturer and director who is a member of the commission, puts on a play, makes suggestions, and the music reveals the nature and content of the message. He expressed the opinion that it creates an aesthetic taste for the listener, accurately depicts the truth. Students also shared their impressions. He took a memorable photo.

Almagul Tastanova, 2nd year student of BI-21 group, Faculty of Journalism and Political Science, Department of Television and Radio and Public Relations.