Defending the internship of 2nd year students of the Department of Printing and Publishing

On June 12, students from the 2nd year of the Department of Printing and Publishing started their internship defence. This moment was significant for every student, as it represented an opportunity to demonstrate their professional achievements and to hear the opinion of experts.
Before the defence began, the students were determined to succeed. They had prepared thoroughly and spent many hours researching, analysing, and creating materials to demonstrate their skills and knowledge gained during the internship.
Each student approached the internship with confidence and enthusiasm. Their presentations were structured and professionally written. They talked about their projects, the area of research, and the methods used.
All students presented the results of their work to major publications, TV channels, associations, and even political parties. They displayed the articles, reports, and interviews they had conducted, showing their ability to cover relevant topics and their skills in handling information.
Teachers and experts listened carefully to each presentation and asked questions for in-depth discussion. The students showed their willingness and ability to answer difficult questions and to accept constructive criticism.
Questions such as: "What new things did the student gain during the internship?", "What difficulties did he/she encounter?", "What opportunities and conditions were provided for the intern?"
After the presentations, each student was given the opportunity to receive feedback. The professors and members of the committee highly appreciated the work of the students, noting their professional growth, depth of research, and level of presentation.
The internship defence for students of the Printing and Publishing Department was not only an opportunity to showcase their achievements but also showed the students their own progress and growth in the profession!