Department of print media and publishing

The Department of Print Media and Publishing has a significant contribution to the training of highly qualified specialists in the field of newspaper and magazine printing, online journalism. Honored Worker of Kazakhstan, laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Philology A.Seidimbek made a great contribution to the formation and development of the department. In 1996, in the Department of Journalism, since 1998, a well-known cultural figure in the field of journalism, laureate of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of mass media, Doctor of Philology, Professor N.Omashev, "The best teacher" of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Dean of the Faculty, Candidate of Philology, Professor K.Sak has been working at the department. Doctor of Philology, Professor A. Ishanova, S. Tapanova, Doctor of Historical Sciences, famous writer, publisher, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor T.Mameseyit, Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor M. Shyndalieva, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor A. Yesdauletov, G. Bolatova, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor B.Batkeeva, Vice-president of the "Club of Editors", Candidate of Philological Sciences, Professor M. Toktagazin, Candidate of Philological Sciences G.Akseit, PhD A.Zhanysbaeva.

 In the educational process, great attention is paid to the individual approach in working with students, taking into account their specialization. Students at the department take an active part and become winners of the republican student competitions, media festivals, scientific conferences both at home and abroad and also practice in the summer school. The Department of Printing and Publishing has branches in the newspaper "Egemen Qazaqstan" and the publishing house "Foliant". For several years, a well-known public figure, writer, deputy of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan S. Abdrakhmanov, head of the publishing center "BiKa", senior lecturer B. Tokabayeva, practitioners-specialists M. Yeshtanayeva, G.Yertasova, Zh.Eralina, A.Emtsova, Zh.Begaydarova, A.Smailova have been working.

The department employs scientists and qualified specialists in the field of journalism and printing. There are 5 doctors of sciences, 10 candidates of sciences, 6 associate professors, PhD doctor, 8 masters of senior teachers who introduce journalists to modern requirements and creative skills.

Graduates of the educational programs "Journalism and Reporting", "Publishing" can work in all areas of the information space, printing, publishing centers, press centers of ministries and government agencies, news agencies and news websites. Currently, 13 graduates of the Faculty of Journalism and Political Science work in the editorial office of the republican newspaper "Egemen Qazaqstan". Press Secretary of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.Oraz, host of the program "Niet" of the national channel Qazaqsatan G.Alimgerei, correspondent of the Agency "Khabar" G. Topoleva, correspondent of the newspaper "Kazakhstanskaya Pravda" A. Mukanova, special correspondent of the TV channel "24 KZ" in Germany Sh. Naimanbayeva is the pride of not only the department, but also the University.

Graduates of the department under the Bolashak program in Japan Zhanar Sekerbayeva, in England Madina Karabalina continue to receive their knowledge abroad. In order to increase the creative potential of students at the department there is a creative youth club "Muzbalak" (head Tokabayeva B. K.), the club "Simurg" (head Ishanova A. K.), a student circle "Kozkaras" (head Bolatova G. Zh.). To date, the creative youth association "Muzbalak" has become the center of creative youth in all faculties of the university.

The work plan of the department (2022-2023) can be found here  
The work plan of the department (2021-2022) can be found here Report on the activities of the Department of Printing and Publishing. 2021-2022 academic year
The work plan of the department (2020-2021) can be found here Report on the activities of the Department of Printing and Publishing. 2020-2021 academic year

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